Blog feedback Learner Response


-          You are really on top of your work and trying to add more detail

-          Your blog is really well organised but you need to make sure the titles are all what it tells you on Macguffin


-          You need to add more detail to your answers using evidence. Look over your notes in your exercise book and the notes on Media Macguffin to develop your responses further. You need to use LIAR to analyse the film poster and I’m not sure this is a real film poster.

-          Make sure you include key media terminology when you are analyse media products (e.g. close analysis of the  advert and the Tesco advert clip where you have not written in enough detail – use CLAMPS to help you and try and say something about each one)

-          For your work on camerawork and editing, you have not fully understood the task. You were supposed to choose three camera edits or movement (when the shots change or the camera pans / moves) and say at what time in the clip these were and why you have chosen them / effect on audience. You have just cut and pasted definitions which will not help you remember. I will help with this today. J


-Add more detail to the advert analysis and the LIAR film poster task.

-Do the missing work please – go back onto Macguffin and check you have done each blog task.

What i can see on this image is that there is a boy who is staring right at us which could suggest that he could be asking for clean water.The reason of why i say this is because there is a sentence that says 'Dig toilets Not graves'.Also it shows that the company's name 'water aid' the 'aid' bit is highlighted in a different colour (blue) which could connote cleansed or purified.Also the reason why they are aiming at the younger generation is because they are more likely to get diseases or infections if they drink the water they have in there developing country.


We can tell it is a film poster because of the writing at the bottom as well as the release date with it.The impact of this film it has on the audience is that it will make them be on their edge of there seat kind of style because of the way the film poster is shown.The company behind the film is David Ellison's skydance media.The person who directed 'THE HITMANS BODYGUARD' is Patrick Hughes.The main people who star in the film are Samuel L Jackson and Ryan Reynolds.The people who are making money is mainly the director because he is the one who did most of the work by directing it.The audience for this type of film would be the ones who like suspense and action. How we can tell that this would be a action type of film is because of the poster.It shows Samuel L Jackson holding a gun in his hand which could connote that there  would be violence about to happen.The amount of people in that poster is only two which could tell the audience that it would be like most of the times aimed at them two.


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